You’re Still Here (version 2)

You’re still here? Why. I’ve Moved long since.

Find me at 357 Magnum

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

And in case YT decides to be idiots, here’s a link to the video.

You’re Still Here?

Fini. End. The new beginning is not here. Go find me at my new home.

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

As for the video, here’s a link in case YT decides to be assholes in the future.

That’s All Folks

When I moved from Blogger/Blogspot to WordPress, one of the benefits was that WP was better at blogging than Google’s system.

Having used the “New and Improved” Blogger interface, which everyone over there was complaining about, for a few weeks now, I can say that the insanity inflicted on users by WordPress and Automatic have made it much easier – for me anyway – to create stuff over there. YMMV.

Of course the suckage of the new Block Editor isn’t the only reason that I decided to abandon WordPress, even if it was by far the lead reason. Another reason is because I was told, in several places, for different reasons over the past year, to “Shut up and do what we tell you to do.”

You can find me at my new home: 357 Magnum. You should update your links. If you are using the WP reader, see this link.

As for the suckage that is the Block Editor…

I knew things were going to be bad with the “New and Improved” WordPress editor when their Accessibility Team Lead resigned in October of 2018. That was the first indication that they were not listening to feedback from anyone pointing out issues with their new and improved block system. At the time it was styled Gutenberg, but I have been ASSURED by WP dot com support that the New Block Editor is not really Gutenberg, that after spending 3 or more years developing a block-based system for WP they dropped a completely different block-based system on WP dot com. Or something.

Oh, and when Rian Rietveld left the Accessibility team, it wasn’t because she didn’t like the default color scheme. While trying to get the WP development team to address issues of accessibility, they encountered just about every issue of development-management imaginable. Agreed upon functionality would change – regress – with little accountability. No accessibility testers were on the base team. Etc. Can you guess the results?

The results indicated so many accessibility issues that most testers refused to look at Gutenberg again.

When they were not listening to people who were (at least on paper) part of the development team, why do you think that they are ever going to listen to their users?

Liberals Are Confused About the Definition of “Coyote”

Nevermore facepalmWhile you might classify the people smuggling illegals over the border as animals, there is technically a difference. If You Don’t Know That ‘Coyotes’ Are Human Smugglers, Shut Up About The Border

Not only do Biden and others have some confusion about the term “coyote,” they are also lying about a certain ACLU lawsuit.

The report claims that “the parents of 545 children still can’t be found,” but that’s not quite right. The NPR report omitted a statement issued by Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Chase Jennings explaining that in fact the vast majority of these parents have been found but have refused reunification with their children, which is why the children are still in DHS custody.

“In the current litigation, for example, out of the parents of 485 children whom Plaintiffs’ counsel has been able to contact, they’ve yet to identify a single family that wants their child reunited with them in their country of origin,” Jennings said.

Politicians lie? People going on about stuff they know nothing about? I’m shocked… OK. Not so much shocked. (Hat tip to Wombat-socho.)

How Dare You, Say Something Mean About a Democrat

Heh. Jake Tapper: Still Not Over Macho Grande

Has it really been 40 years since Airplane? Perhaps younger readers don’t get the “over Macho Grande” reference, but it came to mind as I watched Jake Tapper have a hissy fit after Thursday’s debate, declaring that President Trump “is running the single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for a major party candidate.”

There is more. Click thru.

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain starts us off with In The Mailbox: 10.21.20

American Power: Everything Is “White Supremacist”
American Thinker: This Is How The Left’s Power Structure Collapses, also, The Covfefe Revolution Is Real, And It’s Glorious

There is no Wednesday Linkage from Matthew over at Bacon Time!!!! Not content to piss everyone off with stage one, the good folks in charge of WordPress dot Com have apparently turned the suckage up to 11. I hope he figures it out eventually. (You can see how I reacted – by moving.)

Freedom Is Just Another Word… – Gun Bits and Ridiculous …

They keep poking the bear…
Team ‘Resist’ Has Some Big, Nasty Plans If Biden Doesn’t Win — Here’s The 411

Daley Gator – Your CCW News Update For Wednesday (10/21/20)

Campaign Ad Depicts Wealthy Tech CEO And DemoNazi Donor As ‘Struggling Bar Owner’
The Biden team is under fire for releasing a TV campaign ad last week depicting a Michigan bar owner struggling to keep his business afloat

Political Hat – The Newspeak Dictionary Is Both Real And Woke

Even as recently as this year, Logo TV (a LGBTQ&c. focused channel), The Advocate (a LGBTQ&c. magazine), and Slate all used the term “sexual preference” or similar language declaring the impermanence of this “orientation”.

EBL – Is Debate Moderator Kirsten Welker a Partisan Democrat Hack? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

PJ Media: Soros Bias on the Debate Commission
TOM: Can Joe Biden Really Win This Way?

The Other McCain – In The Mailbox: 10.23.20 (Afternoon Edition)

American Power: Governor Kristi Noem Pushes Back
American Thinker: 10% Joe – From Grandfather To Godfather
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Urban Disintegration News

The Right Way – Top of the News

Strange Daze- American Digest
Flip The House Red – Free North Carolina
Cartoon Roundup – Theo Spark

Flopping Aces – The Week In Radical Leftism, 10/23/2020

SHOCK: Facebook Declares War on the Babylon Bee
The Bee should fart in Zuckerberg’s general direction

Battleswarm Blog – LinkSwarm for October 23, 2020

The left is currently planning on how to peacefully protest if President Donald Trump wins. Ha, just kidding! They’re going to burn everything down:

A View from the Beach – DIW Russia/Bidengate

Ace of Spades HQ Tony Bobulinski’s Statement in Full: “The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.”

Gates of Vienna – News Feed 10/22/2020

Brian Stelter Says There Should be More Big Tech Censorship
Brian Stelter, CNN’s prominent commentator, appeared in a panel discussion on BBC Radio 4’s “The Media Show.”

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ – The Morning Report – 10/21/20

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
The Corporate Takeover of “Fact-Checking” is Just a Different Path to the Same Partisan Censorship

Maggie’s Farm – Wednesday morning links

San Diego Schools Change Grading System for Equity
Judge tosses lawsuit challenging DeVos’ sexual misconduct rule for schools, colleges
Media Just Exposed That Trump Was Right On California Wildfires

Doug Ross – Larwyn’s Linx: The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex

Disgusting Professorial Teachings: Walter E. Williams
Suspect Charged With Hate Crime For Attacking Black Pro-Trump Rally Organizer: DC
New Jersey boards of election struggle with thousands of undeliverable ballots: News12

I leave you with Wednesday gifdump from Knuckledraggin My Life Away, and Thursday Memes … from MaddMedic, and Yes It’s Another Libturd Thursday Afternoon from Woodsterman and Cartoon Round Up…. from Theo Spark.

You Ever Have the Feeling They Aren’t Telling You the Whole Story?

CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSSThis is one of those times. Philly DA’s Office Employee Kills Armed Sex Worker in Self-Defense, Officials Say

On Tuesday, shortly before 10 a.m., an armed 31-year-old man tried to rob another man on the 2600 block of North Napa Street in the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood, Philadelphia police said. The second man fired his own weapon, shooting the 31-year-old once in the chest.

The 31-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene. The man who shot him was not injured during the incident and has not been charged.

The shooter was an off-duty employee with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, who “who also works as a gun violence counselor.”

I don’t expect to hear much else, but I will try to try and stay alert to developments in this case.

Oh, and Self-defense is a Human-right.

Self-defense In The People’s Republic of Chicago

CuffsIt is becoming more common. Homeowner shoots intruder in Albany Park home invasion

The 46-year-old man heard what appeared to be someone breaking into his home at 4:52 p.m. in the 4800 block of North Kenneth Avenue, according to Chicago police. He went to investigate and was confronted by a 58-year-old man who doesn’t live there.

The would-be bad-guy was shot in the arm and ran away, but was later picked up and taken to a hospital.

And they make a point of noting that the homeowner was licesned to have a gun in his own home. That requirement is one of tne of the many reasons I don’t live in the People’s Republic of Illinois.

Self-defense is a Human-right. The investigation is on-going, because the powers-that-be in Chicago and Cook County would love to charge this guy with something. We can’t allow individual action and individual responsibility!

Grazing in the Grass

Hugh Masekela is sometimes known as the father of South African jazz. He played the trumpet, flugelhorn and coronet. He passed away in 2018 at the age of 78.

In 1961, as part of the anti-apartheid campaign, he was exiled to the United States where he was befriended by Harry Belafonte. Primarily, he played in jazz ensembles, with guest appearances on albums by The Byrds, and Paul Simon. In 1987, his single, “Bring Him Back Home”, became an anthem for the movement to free Nelson Mandela. After apartheid ended, Masekela returned to South Africa.

I don’t know how I first ran across this song, but I’ve known it for a very long time. It MAY have been something from high school jazz band, though it may have been just from it having charted.

This is “Grazing in the Grass” by Hugh Masekela from the 1968 album The Promise of a Future. It was released as a single and actually hit number one on the Billboard charts in the US.

He’s Not the One We Are Worried About

The real question is, “Did anyone in the Obama Administration do anything wrong?” Biden says his son did ‘nothing inappropriate’ while working at Ukraine company

Not that a question like that will be asked. The FBI should be asking, but they are mostly in the bag for the Democrats. Or as they would say in Chicago: The Fix is In.

Joe Biden says his son did nothing inappropriate while working for a company in Ukraine

All he did was collect a lot of money. Nothing to see here. Move along.

“You just can’t come back”

I have a new-found respect for Sheriff Richard Jones. Ohio sheriff says he will offer financial help for any celebrity wishing to leave country if Trump wins

“Celebrities threatening to leave the United States if the president is re-elected. This happened in 2016 and it is believed not one celebrity left then and it appears the same threats are being made this election year,” Jones wrote on Facebook.

A whole slew of celebritities “threatened” to move out of the country, and one promised to move off the planet (Cher?) if Trump won. As if that was a deterent. Now they are making more threats.

Sheriff Jones is offering to help. “You just can’t come back.” Heh. (Hat tip to The Other McCain.)

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

Friday Links

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

MaddMedic at Freedom Is Just Another Word… – The Economic Impact of the Biden Agenda

SiGraybeard – The Virus Response Goes Far Beyond Sanity How the Irish health system just left people to die.

90 Miles From Tyranny – Scranton Joe is the ‘Chairman’ says former partner, confirms China deal

Pirate’s Cove – Climate Crisis (scam): Cold Lizards Falling Out Of Trees In Florida Is Your Fault

Power Line Blog – Breaking: College President Finds a Spine

Unsurprisingly there is a critical mass of radical students and leftist hangers-on who are demanding that Northwestern University abolish its campus police department.

The Other McCain – Hunter Biden, ‘Allegedly’

Gun Free Zone – Unsecured Guns in Cars: Still a bad idea.

The Feral Irishman – Weekend Snow At The Mount Washington Hotel… Some beautiful images

Again from 90 Miles – Destroying the Institutions We Inherited

Again from MaddMedic – Supreme Court Justices Slam Google in Copyright Case That Could Break Up Their Tech Monopoly

Political Hat – If You Think The Year 2020 Is Bad For You, Remember That At Least You Aren’t In Venezuela

Again from The Other McCain – CNN Chief Legal Analyst Masturbates During Video Chat With Colleagues Things are too weird, even for 2020.

Daley Gator – The Knuckle Dragging Left College students traumatized by reading statements they disagree with.

Adaptive Crumudgeon – The “Beats” In Our Fictional World On why every TV show seems to be the same.

Vox Day – The journey sans ticket Can a moral person succeed in the realm of the wicked? Probably not.

Armed Self-defense in the People’s Republic of California?

I think it has become more prevalent recently. Robbery suspect shot by store clerk identified

The attempted robbery occurred at 10:40 a.m. Sunday when Hector Lopez- Gastelum entered La Michoacana store, at 1702 Vesta St., near Acacia Street, said Lt. Julie Epperson of the San Diego Police Department.

Lopez-Gastelum allegedly produced a handgun and demanded money from the cash register, Epperson said. The clerk opened the register and gave the suspect the money.

The investigation is on-going, but self-defense is a human-right.

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

She Gave Him the Money, Then He Shot Her

The Left always says just give them what they want, and you will be safe. This guy didn’t get that memo. Suspect in Maryland 7-Eleven Slaying Apprehended, Officials Say

After the robber got the money, he shot Maher and then fled, authorities said.

There may be some Justice in this case, because he has been apprehended, but I predict he will plead to a lesser charge, and not spend very long in prison.

Gregory DeShawn Collins Jr., 22, of Waldorf, was located and apprehended in Georgia Monday

Maybe it is too high a profile of a case for the DA to do that, but then again, I am fairly cynical when it comes to the Criminal Justice System.

Cooperation is a strategy for dealing with a violent encounter. I don’t think it is a particularly effective strategy.

But then a gun may not have saved this woman. There are no guarantees in this life save for death and next winter’s snow. But just giving them what they want (the Left hates it when you bring up Rape in that context) doesn’t work either.

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

I, For One, Welcome Our Self-driving Overlords

The Corporate entity is not responsible, only the driver. Uber’s Self-Driving Car Killed Someone. Why Isn’t Uber Being Charged?

Uber’s test vehicle was driving 39 mph when it struck Herzberg. Uber’s sensors detected her six seconds before impact but determined that the object sensed was a false positive. Uber’s engineers tuned the software to be less sensitive to unidentified objects in order to achieve a smoother ride. Uber also disabled the vehicle’s factory-installed automatic emergency braking system, which likely would have prevented the accident, in order to accurately test the capability of its own automated driving system.

But Uber is not a defendant in this case.

Can’t stand in the path of techological innovation. Literally. Don’t stand there.

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

The State of the Pandemic

The Other McCain has a COVID-19 Update The latest surge is here. “Just in time for the home stretch of the presidential election campaign.”

At this point the media induced panic is more newsworthy than the pandemic. Which is why it isn’t reported on.

The number of COVID-19 deaths reported daily in the U.S. peaked six months ago, on April 21, at 2,742 daily. There was a belated summer uptick, which peaked at 1,851 deaths on July 30, and since then the toll has gradually but steadily declined. During the week of Sept. 14-20, the average daily death total was 782; during the most recent week, Oct. 12-18, the average was 725 deaths daily, a 7.3% decline in about a month, and about 30% lower than in the first week of August

Of course that news isn’t politically useful to the Left and their lackeys in the media, so it isn’t reported. Only “new cases” are reported.

RINO Governors Are Also Drunk on Power

Facepalm X 2For example, The Other McCain highlights Ohio’s ‘Republican’ Governor

Republicans are the party of business, the party of free enterprise and deregulation. So why in the world is the Republican governor of Ohio dictating 10 p.m. “last call” at bars?

This doesn’t even make sense. What, you are not contagious before 10 PM? But reps are fighting the Governors orders.

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

Self-defense in Nevada

Warning shots are never a good idea. Carson City man jailed after homeowner shoots him in foot for alleged attempted break-in

A 24-year-old Carson City man was arrested early Saturday for suspicion of felony home invasion after being shot in the foot by a homeowner who had attempted to scare the suspect away, according to a sheriff’s office booking report.

He was shot in the foot by what was intended to be a warning.

It isn’t often you see a .22 caliber pistol used in a self-defense shooting, and I would hate to rely on something that small, but in this case it seems to have worked.

Self-defense is a human-right. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

Since They Can’t Blame the Cops…

The Left will blame the gun in 3, 2, … Family says fight over a girl led to shooting that killed 23-year-old

Investigators believe an ongoing dispute between two groups of teenagers and young adults led to the gunfire. Arrest warrants state the shooting was gang-related, though the Blake family says the brothers and their cousin were not gang members.

Of course not. Those cops are just lying.

Georgia has a version of Felony Murder, so there are 14 people charged in the death, including one-of the dead-guy’s brothers, and one of his cousins.

They can’t blame the cops because there were no cops around when the shooting took place.

They won’t blame themselves, even though it looks like a brother and a cousin are involved in/responsible for this guy’s death. (A family that kills together…)

So they will blame the gun. Let’s them off the hook, and it is part of the Left’s narrative today.

And the media is happy to just report their feelings, and ignore any inconvenient facts. (The linked article is all about grief, and pretty light on substance.)

What is that saying about the 12 step programs? Something like, “You can’t fix a problem if you don’t admit you have a problem.”

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

If you are using the WordPress Reader to follow me, you can switch to following the new blog by following the instructions on the following page: Following Blogs – Support —, and scrolling down to the section titled “Follow a Blog Not on” (Though I have not tested those instructions.)

Twitter Won’t Let You Post Links to Any Article they Don’t Approve

NOTE: Counting down to the end on WordPress. Please see this post and future posts at my new home: 357 Magnum over on Blogspot. And you should update any links. (Posts are in both places right now. That is a small, but not meaningless bit of work on my part, so it will continue for a VERY short time.)

You might think a thought that they don’t approve of. I wonder if this will cause them to suspend me? I would regain loads of time in my life if I didn’t waste any of it on Twitter. Emails reveal how [Redacted] tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm.

Because why court disaster?

[Redacted] pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show.

One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

Oh, and in case you are living under a rock, the Redacted name is…

Hunter Biden.

What a shock, that they don’t want you to know “bad” (as in damaging) info for a Biden this close to an election.